
Hello. It is unbelievable that the Chris Elliott Fund DBA End Brain Cancer Initiative (EBCI) is turning 20 years old THIS year! I know this is a true reality but between you and I, how can that be?

I am very proud of the work and the mission that EBCI has addressed head on and has been able to develop some of the unmet needs in this rare disease advocacy space on behalf of the brain tumor community. I am beyond proud, and truthfully, I am a bit humbled as well.

Our 20th Year Anniversary just kind of snuck up on me! You know, when you are busy developing disease education campaigns, materials, meetings, initiatives, speaking opportunities, articles, running a business that happens to be a 501 (c) non-profit, etc. and truly grounded in the mission and “the work”, you don’t think about milestones, such as this one. Can it really be 20 years since my late husband, Christopher Stewart Elliott, and I founded this organization with the goal of updating the Standard of Care (SOC) for patients with brain cancer? This SOC should include NOT having surgery within 72-hours of a mass being diagnosed so that specialists can be discovered and therefore, part of the healthcare provider team. The SOC for this disease population should include clinical trials as early into the treatment process as possible. Too often we have witnessed delayed placement into clinical trials after the patient blows through the current SOC without success.

So, here we are today writing this BLOG post and realizing what a BIG MILESTONE this year actually is for EBCI and our team as well as our co-Founder, Christopher Stewart Elliott’s and my legacy, I am proud to announce that after 7 years of wishing, planning, funding, developing, etc., the EBCI Team, including our App Manager, Sarita Gonzalas, along with VOBO, our app platform, we are ready to launch EBCI’s App!

EBCI has been very hard at work over the last 20 years building our outreach metrics as well as growing traffic to our disease education website. Via all of our efforts, we now reach over 18 Million annually and are growing!

We are working on a “WELCOME” video as well as an instructional video on the benefits of EBCI’s Disease Education, Awareness & Outreach App. This video includes instructions on how to download it and of course, more Corporate Sponsors. These sponsor roles are to support the distribution and marketing of our app, as well as the work of uploading disease education information, including open/recruiting clinical trials for both low grade and high grade gliomas. Annual Sponsorship is $20,000. Please contact me at Dellann@EndBrainCancer.org to further discuss this disease education opportunity.

Thank you for joining us on this journey these past 20 years! In many ways, I feel like we are just getting started and with great anticipation, we will welcome EBCI’s app and the next 20 years!

Dellann Elliott Mydlandhope